How to get a Notification When someone unfollows you on Instagram

Hey Instagram users, So are you still finding that how we can be informed When someone unfollows us on Instagram? If yes, Then you have to come to the right Destination. Because in today’s article, we will let you know How to get a Notification When someone unfollows you on Instagram.

get a Notification When someone unfollows you on Instagram

Why do we need to get Notify When someone unfollows us on Instagram?

On Instagram, If we have to come in contact with other people, then we need to follow that person. On another side, Same if someone wants to know about our activities on Instagram then, they need to follow us. But it can be frustrating when someone unfollows us, and we don’t even know about it.

Why It’s Important to Know When Someone Unfollows You on Instagram

It’s crucial to know when someone on Instagram stops following you for a number of reasons. The first benefit is that it enables you to maintain tabs on your followers and determine what kind of content they want. Second, it can assist you in determining whether you made any mistakes or whether your material is not compelling enough. Additionally, it can ensure that your followers are loyal and interested in your content, which will help you maintain your engagement rate.

4 Ways, get to know who unfollows you on Instagram

There are Four methods that can help you to know When someone unfollows you on Instagram.

  1. Instagram Followers List
  2. Instagram Following List
  3. Third-Party Application
  4. Instagram Insights

Instagram Followers List

With the help of your Followers list, you can easily check who unfollows you on Instagram. Here are the steps

  1. Go to your Instagram Profile.
  2. Click on the Followers list.
  3. Search for the username.

If they appear in the list, then you can understand that they don’t unfollow you.

get a Notification When someone unfollows you on Instagram

Instagram Following List

With the help of your Following list, you can easily check who unfollows you on Instagram. Here are the steps

  1. Go to the Instagram profile of that user which you want to know about whether they follow you or Unfollow you on Instagram.
  2. Click on the Following list.

If they follow you then you will appear at the top. If you are not showing in the following list it means that person doesn’t follow you on Instagram.

get a Notification When someone unfollows you on Instagram

Using Third-Party Apps

Using third-party apps is the simplest and most frequent way to receive a notification when someone unfollows you on Instagram. This feature is offered by a number of apps that can be found on both the App Store and Google Play Store. The most well-liked ones consist of:

1. Followmeter for Instagram

Followmeter for Instagram is a free app that allows you to track your Instagram followers and un-followers. It provides real-time notifications when someone unfollows you, as well as detailed insights into your followers’ behavior.

2. Reports+ for Instagram

Reports+ for Instagram is another free app that offers similar features. It provides real-time notifications when someone unfollows you and allows you to track your Instagram followers and unfollowers.

3. Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram

Unfollowers & Ghost Followers for Instagram is a free app that allows you to track your Instagram followers and unfollowers. It provides real-time notifications when someone unfollows you, as well as detailed insights into your followers’ behavior.

Using Instagram Business Account Insights

If you have an Instagram business account, you can also use the built-in insights feature to track your followers and unfollowers. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Open the Instagram app and go to your profile.
  2. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top right corner.
  3. Select Insights.
  4. Scroll down to the Followers section and tap See All.
  5. You’ll see a list of your followers, along with their fellow statuses (follows you or you follow them). If someone has unfollowed you, they’ll no longer appear on this list.

Read More: How to Know if Someone has Blocked You or Deactivated their Account on Instagram

get a Notification When someone unfollows you on Instagram
get a Notification When someone unfollows you on Instagram


Maintaining engagement and making sure that your followers are real and interested in your material requires that you be aware when someone unfollows you on Instagram. You can quickly keep track of your followers and receive instant notifications when someone unfollows you by using third-party applications or Instagram Business Account Insights.


Is it possible to see who unfollowed me on Instagram?

No, Instagram does not provide an official feature to see who unfollowed you. You can only see a list of your current followers and their follow status.

Are third-party apps safe to use?

Although the majority of third-party applications are secure to use, you should exercise caution when giving them access to your Instagram account. Before downloading the app, make carefully read the reviews and the privacy statement.

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